Friday, March 18, 2011

Update - No Photos Yet

I'm the worst blogger EVER.

The kitchen has been a delightful Jadeite/Pale Mint Green for a year now, and I still love it.  I tricked out some Walmart curtains by hand-sewing cherry-red pom-pom trim on the hems, it really pops against the mint.

Our counters are still in SAD shape.  Part of me wants to replace them with that quartz composite, but that's not exactly retro and more expensive than replacing the laminate...but also more durable.  This is something we're still trying to figure out.

My next project is the living room and I am struggling with the fireplace.  The previous owners of the house painted the GROUT between the bricks a sea-foam green which matched the walls.  Not the bricks, just the grout.

I am considering painting over the entire fireplace with the "Pot O' Cream" color that I am planning to paint the walls, make it monochromatic. Part of the problem is that our fireplace is off center.  Well, it's exactly in the middle of the house.  It's off-center to the outer wall of the living room.  It's jammed all the way to the left, next to the wall between the living room and the kitchen.  Very bizarre.  But it is what it is.  It's not exactly a focal point in that spot.

My eventual hope is to put up shelves along the wall, mantel height down to give it that great "built in" look that I adore so much in some classic capes and cottages.  Right now our big honkin' TV is in the corner where my dream shelves will one day be. 

Yes, the living room is next.  I planned the whole color scheme around these "retro" curtains that I fell in love with:
But I haven't bought them yet.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch I FEEL your pain!

    My kitchen counters are original pink 50's formica, but they LOOK 50+ years old, in sad shape. :(

    The "new" retro laminates I have seen so far look "new/retro" and I don't like that...

    My fireplace is part of my 6 large-window living room, right in the side/middle of the main wall of windows that looks out on the back yard. Who puts a fireplace in a window wall? Arg.

    And it's dirty. 50+ years dirty. How do you scrub striated brick without spraying a mess everywhere?

    Ha ha well thanks for letting me share, nice to know I am not alone. :)
